Temporary Signage: Coroplast Signs

Corrugated plastic also know under the trade name Coroplast, is a light weight plastic material that has corrugation similar to card board. This material typically come in 4’x8’ sheets but can be cut into various shapes and designs.  At SignWorks, Coroplast is used in...

SignWorks Welcomes Its New Designer

Ryan Llanna grew up in the sign business and has more than 10 years of graphic design experience. His background includes credentials in information technology and expertise in website design. He has worked for several sign companies in the Bay Area and Georgia. We...

More Green Signage!

The sign industry is paying attention to environmental considerations when it comes to new products and services that are environmentally friendly.  Take for example a new rigid paper composite board called Omega TerraMax™.   The product was voted one of the...