Hayward, CA – Trinity Hardware Gets Vinyl Window Graphics for Branding their Space!
When Trinity Hardware approached SignWorks about branding the exterior windows at their Hayward location last November, we immediately swung into action. First, we did a site survey to confirm measurements and then we began working on approval proofs for their review....
San Pablo, CA – More Directory Updates for Vale Road Medical Facility
SignWorks has worked with the Kennedy Wilson Sacramento office for several years now and we are grateful for their repeat business and continued support. What small business doesn’t like loyal repeat clients? In fact, we did two directory updates for them recently....
Alameda, CA – Interior Illuminated Logo Sign For A New Alameda Restaurant
At SignWorks we are so proud of a recent completed project that we want to pinch ourselves! We have worked diligently with Alameda Point Developers on the ADA tenant signs, banners and evacuation maps, so when we got the call from Saltbreaker Restaurant that they...
San Leandro, CA – Sign Panel Fascia Repainting for Local Commercial Real Estate Company
SignWorks has not worked with MacLaughlin and Company in quite some time and we are pleased to be their “go to” sign company when they have tenant turn over. The sign approximately 120”wide by 17” tall fascia panel needed repainting, because a tenant in their light...
Berkeley, CA – Beauty Doctor Personalizes New Space with Post & Panel and Parking Signs.
SignWorks has worked on a variety of post and panel signs over the years so when we were approached by a local dermatologist who had moved into a new space, we were excited to help out with signs for the location. Luckily, the posts for the post and panel sign were...
Hayward, CA – Frank + Grossman Yard Signs Designed To Attract New Clients.
SignWorks was thrilled to work with a local landscape architecture firm headquartered in Hayward, CA to provide coroplast yard signs designed to provide visibility and branding for projects that are in progress. The client has already developed their branding and...
San Leandro, CA – Creekside Evacuation Map Update Completed
SignWorks has worked on evacuation maps for Creekside Plaza before so when the first-floor map was lost we replaced it based on the information we had. The problem was that the property management company had changed, and the maps had been redone with a smaller...
Palo Alto, CA – Stanford Sigma Chi Event & Commemorative Brass Plaque Dedication/Installation.
SignWorks was happy to connect once again with Stanford’s Sigma Chi who needed our help. They had ordered a brass plaque for an upcoming celebration which would include a building plaque dedication. Unfortunately, they did not have the necessary skilled to install it...
San Francisco, CA – Dimensional Metal Sign for Symphony Risk, Makes A Dramatic Statement!
While this was not a SignWorks designed or fabricated dimensional logo sign, we must admit that we are impressed with the look and aesthetic of this sign. We were approached by an affiliate sign company located in Texas whose client needed their ¼” thick 34” wide by...
Hayward, CA – Michelli Weighing & Measurement Updates Cabinet Sign with Branding & New LED Lighting
SignWorks completed a project a few weeks back for Michelli Weighing & Measurements. The locations branding was inaccurate given a recent acquisition so the double sided 72” wide by 36” tall cabinet sign needed new faces. The client also complained that the...
Alameda, CA – Evacuation Maps Installed for Arco Murray in Alameda
SignWorks has worked on a few projects in Alameda, CA where the city follows the City of Oakland guidelines for evacuation maps. Our latest project was for Acro Murray and involved the production of six, fourteen inches by fourteen inches evacuation maps, complete...
Hayward, CA – New Post & Panel Addressing Sign Will Help with Past Way-finding Problems!
SignWorks has been collaborating over the past months with Tong Enterprises on the correct size and color scheme for a way-finding sign that would make the addressing clearer. The company is located on a busy industrial corridor and experiencing delivery delays as...