When Pastor Neal first approached SignWorks he already had the banner design complete. The problem was that the size needed to be adjusted and he didn’t want to take a chance and order something online without knowing the quality of the product or the timeline for arrival. The banner was needed in a hurry for a dedication service the following week.
Banners are a staple item at most sign companies. They cover a broad range of needs that include event advertising, such as birthday’s and book fairs, sporting events, retail sales and Grand Openings for local businesses. Our company has produced small banners for parties and local events, as well as large ones like the one that is used annually to announce San Leandro’s Library Event. We re-letter and update the date and time each year. We know a thing or two about banners!!
If you’re planning to use a banner for an event be sure to think about how you plan to mount it. Will corner grommets be enough or will you need them spaced around the entire edge to have multiple connection points? Will it be a large street sized banner, and if so, how much rope is needed at the corners for attachment? What about wind vents to prevent the banner from behaving like a huge sail?! With building banners, heavy duty perimeter grommets are an essential means of attachment.
We’re happy to report that the banner has been successfully resized for the Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church dedication this coming Sunday in Walnut Creek. The finishing touches (hem and grommets) will be completed soon.
If you need a banner in a hurry or some other type of sign product like a banner stand, A-Frame or back drop, we hope you’ll think of us as your local go-to source! You can reach us at (510) 357-2000 and we’ll explore your event needs and timeline. Check out our website to learn more about who we are and what we do. Our knowledgeable team members are here to explain the options. Feel free to visit our website to view recent projects and blog posts. We look forward to working with you!