As the owner of a sign company, I blog and write about sign industry related topics all the time.  I thought it would be interesting for my readers to get a different perspective from someone other than myself.  Our new intern wrote the following article about what he is learning here at SignWorks.  A soon to be high school graduate, Steven wrote the following about what he is learning about the sign business and what he finds interesting about it:

When I first started working at SignWorks I was thinking, “What is this business about?”   The more I was taught about it the more interested I became. There are just so many different types of signs and designs. One of the most interesting things I learned  was how to put the grommets on banners.

To me the sign business is a very important part of the world today. It also is a very beneficial experience for me to be able to work hands on and to  actually be  able to express what I’m learning. For me just starting in the business helps me to learn because there are just so many different things to master and I will personally benefit from this experience.  I enjoy being in the sign business and couldn’t be happier doing something I find interesting and enjoy doing.”

SignWorks is a commercial signage company offering a variety of sign products, computer graphics and sign consultation services.  Call us at (510) 357-2000 to schedule a consultation or to get a free estimate for your next signage project.