We cannot emphasize how important site surveys are in supplying valuable site-specific input that aids not only in fabricating signs but ensures a successful installation in the field. SignWorks not only performs our own site surveys for our direct clients but does them for our valued partners who are out of state and whose clients have facilities in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. As a member of an organization consisting of 350 plus independent sign companies, we have conducted them for affiliated companies as well as those who are not a part of our existing network. It does not matter if the sign is for a storefront sign, directional signage, or advertising billboards, without a first site visit to pin down the location specifics, there could be several obstacles including size, fit, access to a power source, and more.

Our technicians are tasked to not only confirm measurements of windows, building fascia and the like, but to investigate the power source for electrical signs and to assess installation metrics and/or limitations. Often, the data helps to make sure a sign face replacement will fit an existing sign cabinet, or that the replacement dimensional or channel lettering will fit in the space allotted. This data is passed along to the client in the form of photographs, with measurements and text detailing the observations found when visiting the site.

In fact, some surveys like the one I personally performed for my client Alameda Point Building Developers, a developer and contractor building live-work spaces at the old Alameda Naval base, is informational and directed toward solving site specific problems. For example, recent tenant occupancy increases led to parking issues and challenges, while there is also a need for more directional signage at the site to ensure that visitors can easily navigate and find their way to specific locations. High winds and other environmental issues at the site mean that traditional scrim banners are being replaced with mesh ones in some locations due to heavy winds. And other marketing and advertising vehicles are being explored to enhance their effort to attract new tenants. The survey visit will aim to supply solutions to a myriad of issues and will provide guidance regarding future signage needs.

As I write this blog, I am also acutely aware of a recent scenario where a client ordered a large banner and supplied us with measurements to use in fabricating it. The banner is to cover the existing logo branding of a tenant who has already vacated the site in San Francisco. When our team arrived, they discovered that the banner is 5 ft. to wide which means the client will now need us to make a smaller banner and will incur a second trip charge. Had there been a site survey, this error in sizing could have been avoided.

The final signs and types, whether for a business or development, reflect the business owners branding. And, since it impacts their customer’s perception of the business and facility, site surveys become critical in providing crucial data that is used in design, fabricate and install signs. The adage “measure twice, cut once” is certainly correct when it comes to business signs. Let SignWorks help you to envision your signage, its placement, your aesthetics, confirmed measurements and project details. These needs all must be fully investigated. As they say, not planning is equivalent to planning to fail! Specific site-specific needs and requirements should be addressed in advance. Just give SignWorks a call at (510) 357-2000. Or get to know us and what we do by visiting our website. If you are ready, feel free to complete the contact form on our website. Also, you are welcome to read our other blog posts about various signage topics.