When the Trader Joe’s store in San Francisco CA began to experience issues with prolonged parking at their location, they asked SignWorks to develop a new sign. They wanted the additional text to clarify that parking was strictly for patrons and that overnight parking was strictly prohibited. These signs are crafted using .080 aluminum so that they remain rigid, won’t bend easily, will withstand the elements and last a long time. Further, the choice of black and red lettering against a white background assures that the lettering stands out and is easy to read.

In general, parking restriction signs help to ensure traffic safety, not only on roads but in and around parking lots and structures. Sometimes the language will cite the specific code that is being enforced, or tells the offending patron, where to pick up their vehicle if it has been towed.

SignWorks has several templates for aluminum parking lot signs used by our client, Trader Joe’s. They range in size from eighteen inches by 24 inches and vice versa, and 24 inches by 24 inches, as well as 12 inch by 18 inch for their Active Gate/No parking sign. Some of these signs enforce parking speed limits, while others reference parking hours and towing language. Others provide directional information regarding the exit or turning directions or where additional parking is located. Some emphasize courteous behavior in the parking area.

We are so happy to be able to assist the San Francisco store with 10 new custom “No Parking 24 inch by 18-inch signs to help improve the general shopping experience for patrons at the San Francisco store. We know from our experience with this retail giant that their goal is to ensure a pleasant experience for all their patrons.

Let SignWorks help you craft parking restriction signs for your store, commercial property or roadway. Whether you are looking for standardized MUCTD (Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices) or something with custom language and colors, SignWorks has you covered! Give us a jingle at (510) 357-2000 or use the contact form on our website. We offer a full range of products as shown at our website and in our blog posts.