While we continue to make progress on the Palace Casino signage project, the schedule and permit approval process has not been without some challenges. It seems the permitting process for illuminated channel letter signs and electrical signage in general is met with staffing challenges at most local government planning and building departments. This translates into lengthy delays and iterative submittals of clarifying drawings, consulting with engineering firms when load calculations are needed, and answering an exhausting round of questions from planners who are stretched thin with other much larger projects.

While our original submittal had the illuminated sign and custom awning bundled together, here we are several months later being told that engineering calculations are now needed for the awning even while the permit has been issued for the illuminated channel letters which are now complete and ready to install. We mistakenly thought that this should have been identified as necessary much earlier on. Though we communicate the information to our client when we receive it, it would have been better received up front when other clarifying information was requested regarding other aspects of the sign.

In attempting to move things forward we recently attempted to install the illuminated channel letters themselves only to find that the exterior mounting location has a set of cabinetries directly behind it which cannot be relocated. This means we will need to add what is called a raceway so that we can gather all the individual wires and collect them so we can establish a single point of entry through the masonry exterior wall.

If it sounds like I’m venting, I am. Project Management issues are often challenging on larger sign projects, but avoidable delays are frustrating for all concerned and are difficult for our clients to digest. Should we have anticipated the city asking for engineering calculations? Absolutely, but as part of the initial evaluation and not at the back end. Were we aware of the cabinets? Yes, but not that they could not be moved to accommodate sign installation.

At SignWorks we would like to think that we anticipate most of the challenges with larger sign projects, however, we like all of you are human. We have lots of great sign fabricating experience and many clients who trust us enough to help them create their signage masterpiece whether it’s illuminated, permitted or not. We hope that our venting will not dissuade you from seeking us out for your next sign project. We can be reached at (510) 357-2000 or you can visit our website to read other blog posts and view samples of our work.Top of Form