SignWorks has always been very active in supplying vinyl decals of all types including vinyl to brand store windows like Megan’s Nail Salon in Hayward.  In this instance changing operating hours necessitated the change, however, cut vinyl decals are used for branding purposes on vehicles, machinery and walls.  It is an economical way to create brand awareness, list operating hours, detail product and service offering information, as well as promote seasonal specials and discounts.

Another major client, Trader Joe’s, uses cut vinyl hibiscus decals (in three different sizes) and in red and white, to decorate their stores and create an ambiance that compliments their nautical theme and promotes the feeling of a tropical paradise.  Other practical uses for decals include logo branding and the individual store operating hours at the entrance/front door of the stores.  They also use cut vinyl on aluminum sign blanks to deliver important safety messaging to drivers and pedestrians detailing traffic safety rules in their parking lots. For inside the stores the safety messaging decals are red vinyl on white PVC or Styrene.

Another client, Silman Construction, uses cut vinyl decals to brand their vehicles, safety helmets and gang boxes.  We have also produced safety labels using low tack specialty vinyl for some of their powder coated equipment where regular vinyl simply would not stick.

We have been producing cut vinyl logos and lettering since 2008.  Though decals are considered semi-permanent because they last a very long time on glass, the fact that the lettering can be removed is an added plus, especially for retailers who like the flexibility of changing their messaging from time to time.  If you have an upcoming cut vinyl lettering project please connect with us as a go-to source.  Our knowledgeable technicians have been working with Bay Area businesses just like yours for a very long time.  We want to help, so just give us a call at (510) 357-2000.  You can also visit our website to learn more about us or to view recent blog posts and photographs.