SignWorks is pleased to report that an evacuation map project we were working on is coming to a close.  The building owner had initially began the project themselves due to the lack of accurate core drawings.  (Core drawings make the process of creating the maps much easier, so when they aren’t available it slows done the process).  Typically, we send our designer to do a site survey of the building so that the egress path and placement of the symbols for fire alarms, extinguishers and the like are accurate.  When core drawing don’t exist we have to add additional time to the survey to diagram the building core and assess overall measurements for each floor.  In older buildings this can be a little tricky as the shape may or may not be mirrored on each floor.

In this case the building owner, Lantz Properties, decided to manage the City of Oakland Fire Department approval process themselves.  We supplied them with two full sized map sets (8 map sets, plus a smaller scaled down set).  The client opted to hold off on production until the fire inspector inspected the maps in place.  Thankfully there was only one map that needed orientation changes, so we are in the process of fabricating the maps.  Supplies include non-glare acrylic lens and we have already fabricated the vinyl maps themselves.  Once the lens arrive they will be mounted to the map/backer using optically clear adhesive tape.  Each map has a 12” X 12” map area but with surrounding text and detail, their finished size is 14” X 14”.

In fact, we are delighted to hear that our client is in the process of requesting evacuation maps for another of their Oakland properties.  We are very experienced in interpreting fire safety guidelines in both San Francisco and Oakland and have completed large evacuation map projects in both of these cities.  If you need evacuation maps let us provide the expertise you need, whether it’s just design and printing, or something more.  Reach out to us at (510) 357-2000 or visit our website to peruse some of our other evacuation map project photos and blog posts.