Located at 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Chabot College is an accredited California Community College. When this campus underwent a beautification project, there were discussions about setting up a monument sign. Swinerton Management and Consulting suggested to the landscaper in charge of the project to contact SignWorks. When Empire Landscape Services made contact, we met with these professionals to learn more about the project.

Brushed Aluminum Letters for Monument Signs in Hayward, CA

Monument Sign Letters Hayward CA

This monument was to be the final addition to the beautification and landscaping project. The product itself is a gorgeous granite slab that now sits on campus’ property. The stone had already been sourced, polished and put in place. What was needed now were the letters. We designed a look and installed brushed aluminum letters at a thickness of one-half of an inch. They are nine inches tall and come from the Gemini line of products.

The installation process was not as easy as it sounds. Our tool of choice was a hammer drill. In addition to the time required to make these letters look excellent, we also worked with the schedule of the permitting agencies and landscaper to allow for the placement of the slab. The resulting monument is unusual, looks great and expertly brands the school. It is an attractive asset to this campus.

Working with Other Professionals

Letters for Monument Signs Hayward CA

A look at the monument before the lettering!

Our experts routinely work with other professionals to coordinate signage designs and installations. Working with the landscaper to ensure that the sign would be done before the final floral additions were made was a crucial aspect of the job. Another important aspect was the adherence to a timeline. We had to be ready with the letters when the permit was obtained. Being late would cause the landscaper and other professionals to fall behind schedule as well. Of course, our pros are on time and ready to go when needed.

We have worked with landscaping professionals as well as management firms, building crews and trades people who ran power cables while we wired in signage for illumination. The trick to a successful collaboration is meticulous record-keeping, on-time production of signage components and open communication with all parties involved. We make ourselves available as needed and work hard to be ready ahead of schedule. Doing so prevents problems at the time of delivery and installation. We know that we have done a good job when the process is seamless and our client is not aware of the behind-the-scenes work that goes on.

Commissioning Your Signage

Adding Letters to Monument Signs in Hayward CA

The finished product!

Whether you need exterior signs for colleges in Hayward, CA, or building signs for a business or mall, our professionals are ready to serve you. We can put together entire signage suites, handle the manufacture of some components or take over the installation of a product you have already on hand. Whether you need lettering for a monument sign or want us to install a channel letter setup with LEDs, our technicians commit to staying on schedule and on budget. Contact us today to learn more about our process.

Free quote on monument sign letters Hayward CA