Our client, Unispace, works with clients to design effective building work spaces.  A recent project involved working with their client to fabricate and mount a series of door signs.  As the project got underway the client engaged our services to mount several framed wall prints to the interior building walls.  This involved locating the appropriate hardware which had been lost in transit.  The SignWorks crew worked diligently over the course of several weeks with multiple visits to accommodate the client’s schedule.  Our installers finally returning on a separately scheduled date to allow the client sufficient time to have a particular wall repainted.

Though the client’s finished project turned out well it involved our being flexible to accommodate schedule changes and interruptions.  The lesson here was that we (including the client) learned an important lesson about the need for detailed planning.   The consequences of poor planning can be costly and result in multiple trips and other schedule related inefficiencies.  Here at SignWorks we like to be involved in scheduling details so that your sign project can be handled in record breaking time and with minimal delays.  If you need our services and expertise in managing an installation project do not hesitate to contact us at 510-357-2000 or you can email us at info@signworks.us.com.  We’ll be happy to help you manage your installation project and minimize potential delays.