We are thrilled to be working with Titan 360 again and so soon! Their client Sofia University in Silicon Valley is undertaking an advertising campaign that involves over 300 car cards mounted on interior BART cars. Many advertiser’s have discovered that mass transit is a great way to advertise given the large numbers of people who use mass transit to get to work or school.
The project involved working with the client to ensure that the art was correct and adjusted as needed for print production. The car cards where created using a thin Styrene substrate for rigidity so that the finished digital prints insert easily into the surrounding frame. Next time you’re on BART you will be able to judge the finished quality of the project. Even if your print campaign is small by comparison, SignWorks will provide the same level of attention to detail while providing quality output! For more information about us and our client base, visit us at www.signworks.us.com or call us at 510-357-2000 for more information.